Dear Anyone Love Advice  
Love Advice


  A:  If he was interested he would have called you by n ...        36%
  B:  Stop calling and wait for him to approach you!        25%
  C:  Tune him out and find someone else of interest.        20%
  D:  Keep trying until you get in touch with him. Event ...        20%
Total Votes: 1638

Dear Anyone,

I recently graduated from college and there is a girl I can't seem to get off my mind. We never went out or anything during college and were accquaintences because we shared a lot of the same friends. (We never had a real one-on-one friendship and few one-on-one conversations.) I only realized my feelings for her in the last semester of school and through a combination of my shyness and lack of time I never got around to asking her out. I do know that one of my friends let slip to her in the last few weeks of school that I had this crush. She never mentioned it to me but I was never sure if she didn't like me or if she was too shy to mention it. I figured that my feelings would disappear after I had been away from school for a while, but they haven't. I'm definately the kind of person who can only focus on one love interest at a time and it will take a significant effort to get her off my mind. The real problem is that, as it stands, I'm unlikely to see her again, at least not for quite some time - and I don't know where she is now. What should I do?

Still in love


Vote for Option A   
A:  Try to forget about her, college is in the past and you need to just move on - other girls will come along.
Vote for Option B   
B:  Try to tell her how you feel using some type of online resource, email, facebook, etc.
Vote for Option C   
C:  Try to find out from friends what she's doing and what to do to best approach her about this.
Vote for Option D   
D:  Give it up. It would be wierd to try to contact her now that you're out of school.

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