Dear Anyone Love Advice  
Love Advice


  A:  Take charge of the situation and call his ex. Sugg ...        43%
  B:  Just relax about it. Things will work out fine.        29%
  C:  Break up with him. But make it explicit why. Then ...        28%
Total Votes: 1365

Dear Anyone,

I have been with my boyfriend (Mr X) for 4 months and I thought I was in love with him and wanted to be with him for ever, etc. Two weeks ago I met a guy at university (Mr Z) and we have accidentally fallen in love with each other. I have not been unfaithful - we haven't even kissed!! I have never felt so strongly for someone and he feels the same. The only problem is he is married with 3 kids. I am so confused because I don't know if he just wants an affair (even though he says he doesn't), or if I am just bored in my current relationship and am believing I feel more than I do.

one confused person


Vote for Option A   
A:  Leave Mr Z well alone and deny your feelings. Even if he wants more than an affair he has too much baggage.
Vote for Option B   
B:  Finish with Mr X. You obviously don't feel enough for him.
Vote for Option C   
C:  Take time out from both relationships to realize for yourself what you really do want
Vote for Option D   
D:  Stop being a deceitful bitch, you don't deserve either of them.

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