Dear Anyone Love Advice  
Love Advice


  A:  Just tell her everything        46%
  B:  Just walk away        30%
  C:  Just do nothing        24%
Total Votes: 1227

Dear Anyone,

I've been in a relationship on and off, for the past two years with someone who is of a significant age difference. My problem is that he is set in his ways and doesn't wish to change, but expects me to change everything about myself. He is a perfectionist, and highly opinionated to the point where no one else's opinion matters. We care about each other, but sometimes it is hard to get along, I want this to work, but I am still young and am not sure what I want in life. So I seek your advice. Thank you!

in love but frustrated


Vote for Option A   
A:  Take some time for yourself to find what you want
Vote for Option B   
B:  Look for someone closer to your age

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