Dear Anyone Love Advice  
Love Advice


  A:  In love? Maybe. Obsessed? Clearly.        43%
  B:  At the very least you have a crush on him. Ask him ...        31%
  C:  He sounds like a player. Stay away.        26%
Total Votes: 1447

Dear Anyone,

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 10 months. Things were going well until a family member of mine died. I needed his support and what I got was him running away. He said that I needed more than he could give right now and that he was going through a lot of stuff as well and didn't think he could handle "us" right now. He decided that he didn't want a relationship, but has since been calling and wanting to hang out with me. What do I do? I am still in love with him and it hurts.

Dazed and confused


Vote for Option A   
A:  Continue to have him in your life as friends and see what happens
Vote for Option B   
B:  Forget about him and move on--his loss
Vote for Option C   
C:  Tell him that it hurt you to not have him there for you and that you're not sure you can trust him to stand by you through thick and thin.

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