Dear Anyone Love Advice  
Love Advice


  A:  Relax and don't do anything until he contacts you ...        31%
  B:  Ask him if something changed        26%
  C:  Keep texting him in a friendly way        21%
  D:  Look elsewhere because he's not interested any more        22%
Total Votes: 1496

Dear Anyone,

I'm married and totally in love with another guy. The problem is he's also married. We know that we can't be together because according to him, he will not divorce his wife and he doesn't want to put his children through something like that. His kids are 9 and 7. I'm thinking of divorcing my husband just because we don't agree on anything and the love is not there anymore. I don't know if staying with the new guy is a good idea. We both love each other and we just enjoy the time when we're together. He's having a tough time as well with the relationship with his wife because love, passion and intimacy does not exist anymore. We both love our spouses but we are not IN LOVE anymore. What do we do?

love lost and found


Vote for Option A   
A:  Love and passion are not the same thing. Give up on passion of youth and stay with your spouses for the rewards of long-term love.
Vote for Option B   
B:  Keep the side thing going. Eventually the passion will fizzle there too.
Vote for Option C   
C:  Divorce your husband. You've already given up on the marriage with your heart.
Vote for Option D   
D:  Fight to get back the spark you once had with your husband.

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