Dear Anyone Love Advice  
Love Advice


  A:  Learn to move on and focus on the new guy        42%
  B:  Try to get contact with your ex as a friend and go ...        32%
  C:  Give him time and then confess your love        26%
Total Votes: 1455

Dear Anyone,

I am for most purposes a happily married woman. However, I have always been in love with someone else. It was during my teenage years and because of the significant age difference I was afraid to act on my feelings. I was always afraid that he would "use" me and end the relationship. I met someone my age and with the approval of family and friends moved on. The feeling for him have always been there. As time went on I found myself drowning in regrets of all the things I wanted to say but never did. Recently I ran into a mutual friend who told me that he felt the same way, even though he's married as well. I want to send him a birthday card wishing him well and re-establishing contact. Would this be wrong?



Vote for Option A   
A:  You send a card, tasteful and anonymous
Vote for Option B   
B:  Avoid the situation even though the feelings are still there
Vote for Option C   
C:  Give the mutual friend a letter to give to him explaining your unresolved feelings
Vote for Option D   
D:  Contact him via phone

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