Dear Anyone Love Advice  
Love Advice


  A:  Leave him alone        63%
  B:  Stop Calling        37%
Total Votes: 899

Dear Anyone,

I am 25 and I am having a hard time with dating lately. I met a nice guy close to my age. The first few days he called or sent me a text message to say "hello". He left on a trip and continued to text message me while he was away. We saw each other when he got back into town and the day after we went on a date (and had sex). Now suddenly he stopped contacting me. I don't understand the change, especially since he kept in touch while he was out of town. Should I call him or let him make the next contact again? I don't want to seem too clingy or bug him.

call me


Vote for Option A   
A:  Face it: he got what he wanted out of you and moved on.
Vote for Option B   
B:  There's only one way to find out what his intentions are: call him.
Vote for Option C   
C:  Don't seem desperate. Wait for his call.

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