Dear Anyone - family Advice  


  A:  Force him in some way to grow up        27%
  B:  Try to explain it to him in another way        26%
  C:  Give him a taste of his own medicine        23%
  D:  Leave things the way they are        23%
Total Votes: 1720

Dear Anyone,

My mom and dad have divorced and that whole kind of thing. But now my mom wants to leave the state for a friend and a job. Oh, by the way, I live with my dad. I'm so mad at her. How could she just leave me like this? When my parents first split, it sucked. I could hardly take the pain. My grades slipped, and she just lived 10 miles from me. How can she be talking about moving states away from me? I live in Michigan. She's moving to South Carolina.

I need Serious Help in Montrose


Vote for Option A   
A:  Forget your mom. You've got a dad who won't abandon you, so you've got all you need.
Vote for Option B   
B:  Try to talk to her. If you tell her how much you're going to miss her, maybe she'll have a change of heart.
Vote for Option C   
C:  Accept that your mom has to make choices for her happiness. You can still have a relationship with her long distance.
Vote for Option D   
D:  Get your dad to convince your mom to stay. This situation calls for an adult conversation.

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