Dear Anyone Love Advice  
Love Advice


  A:  Get divorced, and get back with your ex        44%
  B:  Give it another try for the 4th time        31%
  C:  Wait until things get worse        25%
Total Votes: 1259

Dear Anyone,

I have always been a Vixen. I just recently started to accept it. I love to have fun and I love to do whatever it is that I want to regardless of who it hurts. Then there is that side of me that just won't let my inner bad girl come to surface. I have tried with all might but I don't think that I can do it anymore.

Part of my inner bad girl is the fact that I am attracted to girls. It's something about being with another woman that is just so appealing to me. I have had somewhat relationships with other women but that was it. Other than that, as of me being with another woman has never happened. It's so exotic and kinky and it's just something that I think is missing in my life.

With all of this being said, I am still in a relationship. We have been together for 3 years and we have had more downs than ups. It was a very abusive relationship. He is still controlling, obnoxious, inconsiderate and just plain out mean. There are something about him that makes me stay but I feel as if I am changing. I am not once the girl that he fell in love with him. I was fresh 18 who didn't care if he was not doing anything with his life. Now I am 21 with a nice job and he still works in the stock room.

Bisexualy Torn


Vote for Option A   
A:  Leave him alone and live your life. You are so young
Vote for Option B   
B:  Tell him and maybe he will accept it
Vote for Option C   
C:  Stay away from your bad side
Vote for Option D   
D:  Leave him but that does not mean you have to go with women

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