Dear Anyone - teen Advice  


  A:  Flirt.        30%
  B:  Just talk to him.        22%
  C:  Let him make the move.        23%
  D:  Forget him.        25%
Total Votes: 1459

Dear Anyone,

I was at a dance with some friends and other people from my school and other schools. I liked this guy and I was getting over him. I had told about this to one of my friend. This guy and myself had a date and I canceled it because I wasn't sure he liked me or not in the way I wanted him to like me. So the guy I like or I am getting over asked my friend to dance, not me. She said yes. She just said yes. I went so mad, so I was ignoring her. She realized that I was ignoring her and said she knows why I am mad and she thought you were over him. I told her "Thanks For Blowing My Freaking Cover" because my other friends, I didn't plan telling, figured it out. So I went into the bathroom. She followed me. We talked and I said I forgave her and we made up. I didn't forgive her. Should I?

Crushed by a Friend


Vote for Option A   
A:  Yes forgive her, she just wasn't thinking.
Vote for Option B   
B:  Don't forgive her.
Vote for Option C   
C:  Talk to her about it.
Vote for Option D   
D:  Say you forgive her, but you know you didn't.

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