Dear Anyone - teen Advice  


  A:  Every day        30%
  B:  Socially        20%
  C:  Every once in a while        23%
  D:  No        27%
Total Votes: 1660

Dear Anyone,

I've really liked this boy, "Brian" for a while now. He used to go out with one of my best friends, "Deshia." Well, "Deshia" broke up with him, and I told her I liked him a while later. Then "Brian" asked "Deshia" out less than a week after I told her, and she accepted. She asked me and told me she wouldn't if I didn't want her to go out with him. I really like my friend, but I also still like him. What should I do?

In love with her boyfriend


Vote for Option A   
A:  He is taken. There is *no reason* to keep fighting and lose a friend over.
Vote for Option B   
B:  Forget the friend! She should never have agreed to go out with him again when she knew you liked him.
Vote for Option C   
C:  Secretly keep liking him. Eventually, they could break up.
Vote for Option D   
D:  Forget about him and your friend. Obviously, you're friend does not respect you, and he never asked you out either.

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