Dear Anyone Love Advice  
Love Advice


  A:  Make it clear to her that you have feelings for he ...        40%
  B:  Enough playing around. Ask her straight out what h ...        29%
  C:  Don't get involved in this situation. Unless she b ...        31%
Total Votes: 1434

Dear Anyone,

I'm in love with my best friend. Unfortunately he's married so I haven't said anything about how I feel. It's hard though, from what he's told me and from what I've seen, she treats him like a servant and spends his money recklessly. To the point where they're now in financial trouble. Also, because of his dyslexia, she has him convinced he's not smart. And he is smart!! What I've seen her do to him sometimes borders on the cruel. Many times, I've listened to him pour out his frustrations and many times I've bitten my tongue to keep from telling him to leave her. Considering my own feelings towards him, do I even have the right to say something about this? I want him very much, but more than that I want him to be happy. Should I take a chance?

Conflicted and Sad in MN


Vote for Option A   
A:  Tell him everything! He's your best friend. He deserves to know.
Vote for Option B   
B:  Don't tell him. You could lose your best friend!
Vote for Option C   
C:  Tell him only that he deserves better. Your feelings for him should not come into play and cloud the issue.

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