Dear Anyone - family Advice  


  A:  Keep trying, blood is thicker than water.        29%
  B:  Give up, they obviously don't want to have anythin ...        21%
  C:  Tell them how you feel. Maybe they aren't aware th ...        27%
  D:  Pitch a hissy fit to daddy and make HIM deal with it.        23%
Total Votes: 1889

Dear Anyone,

My mother-in-law lived with my family for 5 years. She didn't help with our house payments. I never planned on her living with us for a long period of time. It wasn't a very comfortable situation for me, but I tried my best to put up with her because she is my husband's mother. I am a stay-at-home mom. She never had a full time job, so she was at the house a lot. She didn't have much to do with our children and expected my husband to be at her beck and call.

Recently during a fight with my husband, she walked into our portion of the house. She began screaming at us to stop fighting. I told her to leave our part of the house. After many attempts to discuss what had happened and the state of our relationship, she moved out. Now we have not communicated with her for a month. In her last letter to my husband, she stated that all future relationships depend on me. Am I responsible for contacting her and mending fences?

Troubled Daughter-In-Law


Vote for Option A   
A:  Call her and try to mend fences. Even if it's not your fault, your mother-in-law expects you to extend the olive branch. Be "big" and do it.
Vote for Option B   
B:  Time heals all wounds. Wait it out and your mother-in-law will eventually see the folly of her ways.
Vote for Option C   
C:  Wow, what a clueless mother-in-law. Don't contact her. In fact, she's the one who owes you an apology and 5 years worth of rent.
Vote for Option D   
D:  Sorry, hubby's the bad guy here. Doesn't he know that he's in between his mother and his wife, so he needs to play peacemaker?

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