Dear Anyone Love Advice  
Love Advice


  A:  That sounds like a pretty strange pick up line. He ...        35%
  B:  He probably is teasing. Play along and tell him th ...        23%
  C:  Call his bluff and throw him an engagement party.        20%
  D:  If he is just teasing then he knows you're interes ...        22%
Total Votes: 1626

Dear Anyone,

I met this girl online and I've known her for about two months. I know people who know her in person so I know she's for real. She is going away to start school for about 3 years, but we've talked about getting engaged and eventually getting married. I know it seems quick and a little rash, and at any other time I'd totally agree, but during that 3 year period, we'd learn more about each other, so it is rational. I know in my heart that this would be the right thing to do, but I wonder if I should be thinking with my head instead. Any thoughts?

Engaged in Thought


Vote for Option A   
A:  Think with your heart: if your feelings tell you this is the right thing to do, then take a chance and show how commited you are.
Vote for Option B   
B:  Think with your head: wait until she's done school and back living in the same town before you pop the question.
Vote for Option C   
C:  Think with both: nothing's ever guaranteed with love, so go for the relationship, but put off the engagement for at least 6 months.
Vote for Option D   
D:  You need a kick to the head: you barely know this girl and she's going away. Why even bother with this relationship?

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