Dear Anyone Love Advice  
Love Advice


  A:  You can't get married when you're not 100% committ ...        36%
  B:  Continue to see both guys and see how it goes. The ...        21%
  C:  Keep silent about the new guy, but dump your fianc ...        22%
  D:  Sorry honey, you made a commitment so you better s ...        21%
Total Votes: 2209

Dear Anyone,

I have been hanging out with a guy for about a month now. I recently ended a serious relationship. The new guy and I hang out with mutual friends, we make out, we fool around a little. It's not typical in that we're not overtly playing the 'getting to know you' game. But he asks me to hang out all the time, and he seems to enjoy my company. Recently he got drunk and was very affectionate in front of his friends which he has not been before. I don't know if I should ask him where he wants this to go, or if I should just let things unfold.



Vote for Option A   
A:  Just relax and enjoy it!
Vote for Option B   
B:  Ask him how he feels about you.
Vote for Option C   
C:  Think of him as the rebound guy and don't take it seriously.

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