Dear Anyone Love Advice  
Love Advice


  A:  He loves you, but he's just being honest. He doesn ...        32%
  B:  Call your mom, a counselor, or both. The guy is me ...        22%
  C:  This guy is playing you, girl! He just wants sex, ...        24%
  D:  The guy has cold feet about getting hitched. Who d ...        22%
Total Votes: 2659

Dear Anyone,

I have a problem with my current live-in girlfriend. She is talking to another guy and emailing him once a day or more. However, she has not met up with him at all in person. She does not know that I know about this. She also seems to be bored with our sexual life. But, I think she is the actual bore and never tries to change things around. I do love her very much but want to know if our relationship is doomed or not. Is it?

Confused and a Little Jealous in California


Vote for Option A   
A:  Confront her about your suspicions. Things aren't doomed if you can work things out and get the flame going again between you.
Vote for Option B   
B:  Leave her. Even if she hasn't physically cheated on you, she's cheating on you emotionally. That says "doomed relationship" to me.
Vote for Option C   
C:  Beat her to the punch. Cheat on her first if she's going to cheat on you. It may not solve anything, but you'll feel better.
Vote for Option D   
D:  You need to record a phone conversation or get into her email. Without hard evidence, you'll just come off sounding paranoid.

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