Dear Anyone - teen Advice  


  A:  He's using you. Flirting with your friend? This gu ...        32%
  B:  He might be, so talk to him. If you feel like you' ...        28%
  C:  He's not using you. If you don't call each other " ...        19%
  D:  He's not using you, and he could very well be in l ...        20%
Total Votes: 1574

Dear Anyone,

This school year started with a "crush" on a guy. Long story short, we ended up going out on dates a few times, and then he asked me to be his girlfriend. This of course, wasn't the happy ending because it lasted a full six DAYS. We noticed how we were both much too busy for a relationship. This wasn't the end of it though. We still flirted and talked frequently like we had before the "relationship". Slowly, this flirting wore away and I somehow moved on. It was frustrating me that nothing was happening with it. A little over 2 months ago, I found an old "friend". I hadn't talked to him since 2 years ago. We started talking and we became much better friends than before. After about a week, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I hesitated, thinking of the previous guy the entire time. Still I said "yes". After a few days I didn't think of the other guy at all. I was very happy. But now, after 2 months of dating, I find myself thinking about the first guy a lot. I'm managing his lacrosse team, and it's not helping that I ride the bus with him to those very far away games. He looks over to me all the time, and we talk all the time too. My question is, what do these second thoughts mean? Should I take a break from my boyfriend to find out? please help.



Vote for Option A   
A:  Stop thinking of what could have been and stay with your boyfriend.
Vote for Option B   
B:  Take a break to figure things out.
Vote for Option C   
C:  You gave up too easily on your old boyfriend, the guy you truly want to be with. Try to get back together.

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