Dear Anyone - family Advice  


  A:  Ask for the money. She should be responsible for h ...        33%
  B:  You lost the money when you said you weren't worri ...        24%
  C:  She's your younger sibling. You have to bail her o ...        20%
  D:  Let your parents, relatives or mutual friends know ...        23%
Total Votes: 2270

Dear Anyone,

My mom moved in with me a few months ago. Everything was fine but now she is driving me crazy. She is always at home, always around, she treats me fine and is a perfect roommate yet I cannot stand being around her. She even works at the same place I do, so I see her a lot. She has been going on websites to meet people. This weekend she met a guy for drinks. I got home from the bar at 3am and she was still not home so I called her cell phone and she said she was fine. I was shocked, this is so not my mom! She wouldn't tell me where she was until 3am, but she told a friend of mine who told me she went to his hotel room with him and made out with him. Another shocker for me. I don't think that was a smart decision for her but is it any of my business? I'm really confused about this all and don't know why I am so mad about it all.

Confused in Canada


Vote for Option A   
A:  Butt out, it is her life and she is an adult.
Vote for Option B   
B:  Tell her how you feel, maybe you can work something out
Vote for Option C   
C:  Ask her to move out, obviously things are not working out living together
Vote for Option D   
D:  Be happy that she found someone

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