Dear Anyone - family Advice  


  A:  Show him some "tough love." Throw him out and forc ...        31%
  B:  Talk to a counselor. You need some professional he ...        21%
  C:  Give him one more chance, but lay down the law. Gi ...        24%
  D:  Two words: boot camp. Your son needs to know how g ...        24%
Total Votes: 2234

Dear Anyone,

I've dealt with an issue for over 10 years. It has to do with my husband. I first met him in high school where we were squeamish little school kids. Then our love flourished and two years later we were married. To make a long story short, my husband is seriously hyper... sometimes he just spaces off and sometimes he just pulls things out of nowhere. Now, I know you're saying to yourself, men (and women) are like that sometimes, but he's like this a lot. I guess he always has been but I never really noticed it before. The part of it I'm struggling with is that I am very embarrassed by the way he acts and the things he says when we are with other couples and the fact he just can't sit and relax. I don't know if I'm the one being crazy or if he truly needs some social skills. I love him and I want to be with him but having no social life together is hurting our relationship. What do you think?

Wearing a Paper Bag Over My Head in Scranton


Vote for Option A   
Vote for Option B   
B:  You need to take your husband to see a psychiatrist or a counsellor. He might have some type of social disorder.
Vote for Option C   
C:  Your husband sounds eccentric, but harmless. Love him for who he is.
Vote for Option D   

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