Dear Anyone Love Advice  
Love Advice


  A:  Give your boyfriend an ultimatum: either he change ...        26%
  B:  Stay with him. You just need more time to earn his ...        24%
  C:  Take a break. Maybe time apart will show him how i ...        21%
  D:  Please re-read your letter. You're dating a broke, ...        29%
Total Votes: 1968

Dear Anyone,

I am in college and I have been in a relationship for two years but my mother had no clue until 5 months ago. She was against me dating my partner because she says she has "this feeling" and knows he is not for me. I considered breaking up with him because I respect my mother deeply. But when I tried breaking up with him I was only worse. All I did was cry and miss him. We got back together and are very happy, but sometimes I feel like I'm betraying my mother by doing it behind her back. What do i do? I can't choose between my mother or boyfriend!

Trying to keep my relationship w/o hurting anyone.


Vote for Option A   
A:  Maybe your mother is right. You should listen.
Vote for Option B   
B:  Be honest with your mother. If she doesn't like it then leave with your partner.
Vote for Option C   
C:  Why are you complicating your life? Family comes first so forget about him. There are many fish in the sea to catch.
Vote for Option D   
D:  Tell Mom to mind her own bee's wax.

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